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  • IOM CO., LTD.


IOM is a company registered in Thailand in January 2016 with expertise in the plastics industry. industrial chemical products equipment products storage products Provide the most advanced production equipment and facilities sourced from Thailand, Japan and abroad.

Basic info

Kingdom of Thailand Bangkok 9/147 Ramkhamhaeng Rd.,Suanluang, UM Tower 14 floor





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cleaning products to remove stains chemotherapy products cleaning spray products

cleaning products to remove stains

chemotherapy products

cleaning spray products


Business negotiation

Customizable Conveyor Type Blast Machine By IOM

IOM’s conveyor-type blast machine is designed to enhance factory productivity. It caters to diverse requirements in the Thai market with both standard and customized designs tailored to specific production processes. Suitable for steel parts, aluminum products, and molded components, it has been wid...

Fixture design and manufacturing in Thailand, including test fixtures

Support precise operations with a work set fixture capable of 60° tilt and 360° rotation, enabling processing from any angle. ■Overview In the modern manufacturing industry, machine fixtures and test jigs are essential components. Particularly for tasks requiring processing or inspection from va...

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